Wellness — MENU

Q Wellness Programs

It is imperative to Level Up and “Elevate your WELLth.” Wellness is optimal physical, emotional and mental well-being and it goes beyond the conventional approach to health. As your WELLth Coach® I know it is about taking responsibility and action to prevent or reduce issues that can derail your body, mind and soul. Understanding the Weights of Life is acknowledging the areas that need to be balanced. Taking an holistic approach can be beneficial in the progress of your health. As your WELLth Coach® and Rebalance Strategist of Q ur Body Lifestyle, L.L.C. my goal is to empower and promote quality wellness programs designed specifically for your needs. It's important for your mind, body and spirit to be in complete HARMONY.


A healthy body contains a good balance of friendly bacteria so it can function properly. When your body does not live in harmony its defense system gets compromised. Stress, poor nutrition, antibiotics and other factors can cause dysbiosis in your microbiome and weaken your immune system. Microbiome is your internal ecosystem where bacteria, viruses, parasites and other living organisms live in and on your body. When your body gets out of balance and the good bacteria starts being invaded by bad bacteria. This overgrowth of yeast can cause weight gain, fatigue, foggy brain, yeast infections and other debilitating conditions. Candida grows and lives on what you eat and makes your body crave what it needs to survive. The only way to eradicate Candida is through a holistic approach.

3 or 6 month programs available.


One of the keys to preventing disease, having optimal health and wellbeing is by detoxification of our bodies. This process helps the body to cleanse itself from toxins, mucus and other wasted material in the intestinal tract and major vital organs. Detoxification should be done with the change of seasons, to aid with improving health, vitality and well-being. Some of the benefits for following this program are: weight loss, increased energy, plateaus, mental clarity and organs functioning more effectively. 
